Bootstrap Themes

I'm Komang David.

I'm a truly passionate Software Engineer who enjoys learning new things. I'm interested in Back-end Development and Front-end Development. I dedicated my life to this and ready for big moments ahead!



Mager Spot API

An API for a mobile marketplace app that's focused on college students and the overall college experience. Built in Go with Gin and GORM.

Intrivia API

An API powering the Informatics Introduction Environments Education (INTRIVIA), a platform designed to guide new students in the Informatics Engineering Department. It handles user management, tasks, grading, authentication, news, and submissions . Built to support Krida Departemen events by providing insights into departmental life and career opportunities for students.

Abdimasa API

An API developed for Filkom Abdimasa, a collaborative platform connecting students of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya with the community. It manages profiles, tourism information, shopping features, suggestions, and admin functionalities, supporting community service initiatives that apply scientific and technological knowledge to foster societal progress.

The ORMABA Website

A full-stack platform built with React and Material UI on the frontend, and Go Fiber on the backend. This website supports ORMABA, an initiative to instill spirituality, leadership, and a sense of community among new students. It features announcements, assignments, and admin capabilities to facilitate character development and create a positive student environment.

Gemastik: TRIPLED

A prototype finalist in the Gemastik National Competition, TRIPLED uses machine learning to streamline student pickup at schools through vehicle license plate detection. Schools register on the platform, input student data, and connect IP cameras for real-time detection. The system identifies license plates, performs OCR, and matches them with student records, allowing for efficient student name calling via the website.


August 2022


Indonesia National Science Olympiad In Informatics

Selected among thousand of students across Indonesia through multiple layer qualifications.